Andy Wright: (London). Journalist, Ghost-writer and Web expert. He runs his own Web Design and Editing Company and is a regular freelance contributor to many UK and European publications.

Cliff Keys: (Munich) An experienced writer and international communications expert. He is a past-Editorial Director of Power Systems Design Europe. He writes regularly on numerous subjects including travel and music.

James Bryant: (Frankfurt) A writer, translator and MarCom/PR specialist with firsthand knowledge of business practices in Great Britain, France and Germany. He currently works with German and European SMEs, Publishing houses, Agencies and Recruitment Companies offering Ghost-writing, Translations and Presentations Skills Coaching.

Hal Malarek:(Seattle) An International Copywriter and humorist Hal has worked on Consumer, Industrial and Hi-Tech Accounts. He is an experienced researcher and writer who quickly connects with his customer and the project at hand.


Cliff Keys, Hal Malarek, Andy Wright  and James Bryant - the network